Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Stomach Flu Round 2

Well, it has been quite a month in the Harley House: a big move, stomach flu episode 1 for all of us, a loss in our family, and NOW for our gastrointestinal pleasure-- stomach flu episode 2 for Julia.

The poor, little munchkin came down with it again yesterday afternoon. She's doing a bit better today but has absolutely no appetite and no patience for anything but being carried around/held by one of us. Craig and I are hoping against hope that we are not going to participate in this round of flu. But just in case, we have been strictly limiting our diet to bland foods just.in.case.

In other news, I never had a chance to post her 9-months stats:
Height: 29.5" (no, that is not a typo)
Weight: 19.5 lbs.

She is around the 90th %-ile for height and around the 75th %-ile for weight. She is right on target at about 50th %-ile height for weight which is theone that checks to make sure you are proportional.

Here's a cute picture in our new place shortly after SF1:

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